Artist Index
The creative talent of hundreds of artists and artist collectives is the driving force behind Scotiabank Nuit Blanche. All artists are listed alphabetically by their last name or the name of their collective.
& Oth3r, Jah Grey Ritual of Remembering
7 ± 2 Fugue
Aguilar, Esteban Callejon de Memorias: the embodiment of memory
Allard, Coraline Genesis: Memory Lane
Allora & Calzadilla Raptor's Rapture
Alnibari, Haya Ripple
Alstad, Michael Nostalgia
Amorales, Carlos Beaufort 12: Black Cloud
Anandam Dancetheatre Beaufort 3: Glaciology
Anwar, Faisal Up in the Sky High
Applebaum, Isaac Nostalgia
Architech Labs The Face of Toronto
Augustine, Karen Miranda Nostalgia
Aziz + Cucher Time of the Empress
Babayants, Art VIVISECTION: Installation + Photography + Performance + Light
Baker, Peggy FluxDelux
Belanger, Bryan Make Your Bed
Benaway, Giles The Women on the Wall
Bess, Lindsay Where Am I From?
Black, Marina VIVISECTION: Installation + Photography + Performance + Light
Bolton, Robert Future Salon
Boomer, Erik Gauge
Boulatova, Lisa Ripple
Breznia, Lubo Genesis: Memory Lane
Brickell, Peter Nostalgia
Broadbent Sisters Tell All
Bruguera, Tania Untitled
BSC, Flips A celebration of the 5 elements of Hip Hop
Cade, Thomas LEVIATHAN
Caldini, Claudio Night Flight
Canada, Grey The Open Book Project
Cantin, Hugo Built for ART 2015: A Living Archive
Carrillo, Angel A celebration of the 5 elements of Hip Hop
Chacon, Raven Gauge
Chaddah, Radha Genesis: Memory Lane
Chan, Catherine I've Got Sunshine on a Cloudy Day
Chey, Katy PARK HERE
Clouston, Nicole Untitled (bones)
Cohen, Matt A celebration of the 5 elements of Hip Hop
Colectivo Cambalache Humanitarian Aid for the First World
Cook, Barbara Genesis: Memory Lane
Coy, Dorota Memory Branding
Coy, Steve Memory Branding
Danzon, David Queens of The Esplanade
Department of Imaginary Affairs The East Side Story
Detanico, Angela Two Voices
Dewancker, Christine To Love You Deeply I Look To My Mind's Eye
Dimaline, Cherie The Women on the Wall
Doerksen, Hannah Worn Out with Exhaustion by this Unending Chain of Experiments
Duvall, Linda Signs of Life
Eliasson, Olafur Domestic motion
Estrada, Isabel Callejon de Memorias: the embodiment of memory
Eunson, Scott Genesis: Memory Lane
FADO Performance Art Centre Collaborative Performance Art with Workman Arts and Irene Laughlin
Ferrara, Luigi The Lovers of the River Almonda
Flanders, Elle Zero Hour
Flood, Margaret Location of my Father's Ashes
FriendsWithYou Light Cave
Friz, Anna Zero Hour
Fu, Tim Ripple
Gallant, Lorrie Walking Together
Garon, Jessie Muscle Memory
Geddes, Colin KINO-BLENDER Vol 1
Gervais, Emilie Information Behaviors
Ghaderi, Maziar Mirada: Holographic Fire X Interactive Technology
Gibson-DeGroote, Brandon An Intergalactic. Interactive. Dance Music Experience.
Gladstone Hotel Collaborative Performance Art with Workman Arts and Irene Laughlin
Gontarz, Alexander RE/COLLECTION
Granados, Francisco Fernandos refugees run the seas...
Greczny, Barbara Nostalgia
Greisman, Elizabeth Genesis: Memory Lane
Hatanaka, Alexa Gauge
Heather and Ivan Morison Beaufort 11: The Cleaving
Hirsh, Jonathan IN THE MOMENT
Hockin, Johnny LEVIATHAN
Houston Heterich, Lili Zero Hour
Howatson, Michael Mímir's Well
Hug, Erin HERE
Humeau, Marguerite Beaufort 9: Requiem for Harley Warren (“Screams from Hell”)
Jaar, Alfredo Music (Everything I know I learned the day my son was born)
Jacob, Luis Sphinx
Jeon, Lily Ripple
Josephine, Y Callejon de Memorias: the embodiment of memory
JR, Les Bosquets in Toronto
JR, Campbell's House: Your Eye Inside Out
JR, Nuit Talks: Putting the extra-in-ordinary
JR, Les Bosquets
JR, Inside Out: Face to Face to Face
JR, Inside Out
JR, The Eyes of the Bridge
Kalangis, Johnny Genesis: Memory Lane
Kim, Michael Consumption Overload
Knaff, Jean-Christian Fragile
Knowles, Tim Beaufort 1: Dispersal Zone
Koncan, Diana Ripple
Korotayeva, Kate Ripple
Kwan, Vanessa Signs of Life
Ladly, Martha CBC Newsworld Holodeck
Lain, Rafael Two Voices
Lalor, Amina Ripple
Lane, Mike KINO-BLENDER Vol 1
Lewis, Isabel an occasion hosted by Isabel Lewis
Li, Albert Nostalgia
lightsweetcrude ThatWas
Lin, Anchi I, Pave
Lindner, Carolin Queens of The Esplanade
Liu, An Te Solid States
Lois Weinthal and Evan Jerry Remembering the Caribbean
Los Carpinteros Beaufort 10: Frío Estudio del Desastre
Luy, Isaac HERE
Ma, Mary Reverence in Reverie
Manolo Lugo Procession
Marc, Isorine Queens of The Esplanade
Marie , Dyan Bloordale Index
Martindale, Sean There Is No Away
Mattingly, Mary Beaufort 5: Torus
Mazinani, Mani Anciently Heard (Hip Hop As Ancient Thought Transmission)
McCavour, Amanda Pattern Study
McLachlan, Julie Muscle Memory
McLeod, Sharron Nostalgia
McNair-Landry, Eric Gauge
McNair-Landry, Sarah Gauge
Menalon Music Tell All
Miceli, Claude Fragile
Migone, Christof Beaufort 6: Hit
Mutta, Rakhi Silenced Saris
Myers, Lisa Each Portion
Nagam, Julie Signs of Life
Neufeld, Juliana Creatures of Memory
Nicholson, Doug Surgery
Niedzwiecki, Jacob FluxDelux
Nimako, Ekow Silent Knight
Oballa, Miro Memory Cube
Open Studio Built for ART 2015: A Living Archive
Osborne, Danny Gauge
Paixao , Amanda Callejon de Memorias: the embodiment of memory
Palakunnathu Matthew, Annu The Virtual Immigrant
Penn, Gerald CBC Newsworld Holodeck
Pereira, Mike An Intergalactic. Interactive. Dance Music Experience.
Peyret, Pascale EMPREINTES
Phillips, Gwynne Lillian
Pica, Amalia noissecorp
Porter, Marlowe Muscle Memory
Porter, Serene Walking Together
Project Creative Users CRIP INTERIORS
Public Studio Zero Hour
PVS Signs of Life
Pye, Amanda Muscle Memory
Quesnel, Pierre Genesis: Memory Lane
Rad Sandwich Studios (Louis Sciannamblo & Nick Kornek) Spacebro Justice Rocket
Rago , Jackeline Callejon de Memorias: the embodiment of memory
Roach, Graham Nostalgia
Roddick, Dale Surgery
Rosedale Heights School of the Arts Year 12 Dance Class FluxDelux
Salazar, David Constantino Genesis: Memory Lane
Saraceno, Tomás Beaufort 0: Cumulus
Sasaki, Jon Beaufort 7: Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear!
Sawatzky, Tamira Zero Hour
Schibli, Heather Lost Giants
Schonblum, Josh Zero Hour
Segan, Srdjan Genesis: Memory Lane
Seta, Michal Re-Collect
Shipman, John Great Journey of a Lifetime: Hold onto the rope. From the Department of Household Sciences and Advanced Proverbs
Snow, Michael Night Flight
Stankievech, Charles Beaufort 8: LOVELAND
Steel Cut Coffee Genesis: Memory Lane
Stein, Gloria Genesis: Memory Lane
Stern, Nurielle The Bone Runners
Stoesser, Paul J. VIVISECTION: Installation + Photography + Performance + Light
Strang, Katie To Love You Deeply I Look To My Mind's Eye
Students of Pauline Johnson Vocational School Walking Together
Suarez, Juanita Callejon de Memorias: the embodiment of memory
Sugino, Shin The Open Book Project
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Surgery
Sunset Service Toronto Fellowship Ritual of Remembering
Surlin, Stephen Mirada: Holographic Fire X Interactive Technology
Syed, Abdullah M.I. Light upon Light!
Tejpar , Rehana Callejon de Memorias: the embodiment of memory
Templeton, Briana Lillian
Tercerunquinto Cambio de Sentido (Change of Direction)
The Happy Collective Ghost Van
The Magkaisa Centre Our Voices: A Portrait Series
The New Beat Tell All
The Philippine Women Centre of Ontario Our Voices: A Portrait Series
The Templeton Philharmonic Lillian
Theatre PANIK Art Project PEEP
Thiyagarajah, Nayani Silenced Saris
Thompson, Patrick Gauge
Thorne, Kika Beaufort 2: The Question of a Hunch
Thornton, K.D. Nostalgia
Tindale, Adam Genesis: Memory Lane
Tingley, Jane Re-Collect
Toronto Fringe Memory Alley
Toronto Laboratory Theatre Built for ART 2015: A Living Archive
Toronto School of Art Bloordale Index
Travis Freeman Procession
Trinity Square Video Built for ART 2015: A Living Archive
Turner, Camille Nostalgia
Ubisoft Toronto Pixelate
UTS Scotiabank Nuit Blanche Project Team Remembering the Future
Verstappen, Stefan Tri-Monic - Shape, Sound, Sight
Villafuerte , Irma Callejon de Memorias: the embodiment of memory
Vincent, Erin Built for ART 2015: A Living Archive
Wavelength Music An Intergalactic. Interactive. Dance Music Experience.
Weinbaum, Carol Zero Hour
Whelan, Y.M. Nostalgia
Williams, Cyril Shoes That Line The Lane
Workman Arts Collaborative Performance Art with Workman Arts and Irene Laughlin
World Literacy Canada Built for ART 2015: A Living Archive
World Literacy Canada - Prashant Miranda The Open Book Project
Wysocki, Robert Beaufort 4: Lava Field No. 2
Yee, Brandy (Han) Zero Hour
Zhukovsky, Dmitry VIVISECTION: Installation + Photography + Performance + Light