Suitable for all ages
Artscape Youngplace
Artscape Youngplace
Multiple artistic projects
Explore 18 artistic projects by over 150 artists throughout this newly repurposed school. Nourish your body and soul in the night café, featuring coffee and local goodness by Youngplace Coffee Pub. Featured artists and organizations include Karie Liao, Emily Gove, Sarah Febbraro, Alicia Nauta, Ginette Lapalme, Keith Jones, Shabnam K. Ghazi, Kaitlynn McQueston, Blayne Collins, Continuum, Khydup Gyatso, Anna Blewchamp, Spectrum Music, Neighbourhood Arts Network, Margin of Eras 2014, Expect Theatre, Koffler Gallery,Paperhouse Studios. and TYPOLOGY Projects.
Artscape Youngplace
180 Shaw Street
This project is both indoors and outdoors.