Scotiabank Nuit Blanche
Zone B Exhibition - (Curated by: Shirley Madill)
Simone Jones and Lance Winn, Projektor, 2006, Video Still
Projektor, 2006
Simone Jones - Toronto, Canada
Lance Winn - Delaware, USA
Mixed media Installation
Projektor plays upon the slapstick scenario of the prisoner caught in the searchlight. The work addresses the nature of surveillance, mechanization, control, and their relation to contemporary media. A large structure resembling a prison tower acts as a kinetic tripod as a video projector on a mechanized platform rotates, programmed to follow a particular path. The work is able to project out, in real time, the scene it had previously taken in. It acts as a large spotlight, illuminating what it passes over and creating the thing that it proposes to be revealing to us. The structure becomes an actor in the repetitive and irreconcilable scenario between hunted and hunter – where subject/object, performer/director, action/reaction become conflated in the play between real and virtual space. The circular, flowing projection and accompanying soundtrack expose, over time, a barren prison yard and a prisoner who attempts to escape the light while carrying on a dialogue with the prison guard/camera/audience. Projektor works to both create and dissect wonder – to search for the limitations of representation, like where the circle of a motor’s path intersects with the angles of construction, and to find the aesthetic distortions that happen in the attempt at exact reproduction.
Simone Jones and Lance Winn share a common interest in the mechanisms of reproduction and the impact they have on representation. Since 2002 they have worked together on projects that investigate the promise and limitations of extending media. Their work focuses on the edges of the two-dimensional image and a desire to see beyond the limits of the frame. Both are interested in uncovering the relationship between time and space and the impact of physical process on an initial image or idea.
Suitable for all ages