From sunset to sunrise on Saturday, September 29, 2021 more than 140 contemporary art projects will captivate audiences across Toronto.
City-produced Exhibitions are centralized downtown along the subway lines, while nearly 100 Independent Projects are located at various sites across the city. Full project details will be available this August.
Janine Marchessault (Canada Research Chair in Art, Digital Media and Globalization at York University in Toronto) and Michael Prokopow (Faculty member at OCAD University in Toronto) are curating the area in and below City Hall and Nathan Phillips Square. Interested in issues of museum collections, systems of classification and the idea of curating a museum of the end-times, Museum for the End of the World represents a critically sharp, vibrant and varied investigation of art and life under the veil of oblivion and possibility. Douglas Coupland of Vancouver, Dana Claxton of Vancouver, Toronto-based Christine Davis, An Te Liu of Toronto and Tania Mouraud of Paris, France are among the featured artists. Shauna McCabe (Executive Director of the Textile Museum of Canada in Toronto) is curating areas in and around the Entertainment District. DRIFT offers encounters with the city that bring to light the consistency of urban space as fluid and poetic, a "terrain vague" with room to explore the familiar and fantastic. Artists featured in the exhibition transform architecture and landscape in ways that highlight memory, history and imagination that converges in our everyday experiences. Work by artists Andrew Kearney of London, UK, Matthew Moore of Phoenix and Alison Norlen of Saskatoon will be featured in this exhibition. Christina Ritchie (former Director/Curator at the Contemporary Art Gallery in Vancouver) is curating projects located in and around Ryerson University, the Toronto Eaton Centre and the Financial District. Bodies and Buildings invites viewers to consider how their passage through the city inflects its shape, and how their encounters with its spaces contribute to the construction of its chronicles and traditions. Artists whose work will be featured include Rhonda Weppler of San Francisco & Trevor Mahovsky of Vancouver, Peter Bowyer of Toronto and Vikky Alexander of Vancouver. Helena Reckitt (Senior Lecturer in Curating at Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK) is curating areas in and around Church Street and King Street East. Once More with Feeling presents works which reference and evoke repetition and emotion, recognizing the power of memorial and re-enactment.
Projects from artists Trisha Brown Dance Company of New York, Katie Paterson of Berlin, Germany and Oliver Husain of Toronto will be featured in this exhibition. Janine Marchessault and Michael Prokopow
Shauna McCabe
Christina Ritchie
Helena Reckitt