Suitable for all ages
Danielle Sernoskie
Danielle Sernoskie - Toronto, Canada
While most Torontonians are unfamiliar with the city’s alleyways, the extensive network is in fact a valuable contributor to the culture of the city. Alleyways both attract and inspire a unique collective of; graffiti artists, installation artists, film media artists, photographers and architects. It is the gritty nature of Toronto's alleyways that draws these artists and it is this gritty nature that fascinates. In an area bound by Bloor St, Bathurst St, Parliament St and Lake Ontario, I spent the summer of 2011 locating, navigating and photo-documenting approximately 36km worth of Toronto's alleyways. As I walked along each corridor I consistently took photographs at a fifteen-step interval in my direction of travel. During Nuit Blanche, participants will experience the diversity of Toronto's alleyway network as I did - fifteen steps at a time.
47Harlem Restaurant, 67 Richmond Street East
This project is outdoors.