Independent Projects
John Shipman
Ten Models of the Universe from the Department of Household Science and Advanced Proverbs feat. The Endless Proverb
John Shipman - Toronto, Canada
Clara Shipman - Toronto, Canada
Elisabeth Shipman - Toronto, Canada
Interactive Installation
Photo: Joy Shipman
Build models of the universe with orphan socks, word games, on-air radio plus other earthy things or help read aloud from a pulpit the 12-hour long Endless Proverb moving around the interior of a church. View the Crocheted Hat Model and others.
Build models of the universe with orphan socks, word games, on-air radio and other earthy things.
Read aloud from a pulpit, a two-minute section of The Endless Proverb Model of the Universe — a 12-hour long sentence built with 12,000 proverbs from around the world moving around the great hall of St. Matthew's Church. See models on loan from the Department of Household Science and Advanced Proverbs that base our understanding of the universe on the things we see, and the things we taste, the things we think, talk, read, hear and write about, and the things we make. Models on display include YouHereThere, Jenkin's Almost-Empty Box, Basket with Black Hole, Crocheted Hat and Modified Pollock Windows.
If the models of theoretical physicists both intrigue but baffle non-scientists, can playfully serious model-making include us in conversations about the universe?
Suitable for all ages
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112St. Matthew's United Church, 729 St. Clair Avenue West
This project is indoors.